I love handy kitchen tips, don't you?  I don't know how many times I've had one of those Homer Simpson "D'oh!!" moments when I see something that I never thought of...yet seems so obvious...like this tip:

Did you know that the plastic lid from a Parmesan container will also fit a regular mouth mason jar?  How handy is that !?!??

This next tip is super handy for gift wrapping season, never have to "find" the end of the tape....D'ho!!

Did you know that cranberry sauce freezes well? We are empty nesters and I hate opening a can of cranberry sauce, (or worse yet...make it) and then not be able to use it all.  I found that if you put it in a mason jar (with plenty of head room) it freezes well. It never freezes solid, so you can scoop out what you need (completely frozen it is still the consistency of ice cream) and then put the rest of the jar back in the freezer.  15-20 minutes at room temp or an hour in the fridge and it is just as good as fresh cranberry sauce!! We use a lot more these days (for baked chicken) because its always in the freezer!!

Remember Tang?  I buy it in gallon cans from Costco and once a month or so, I put 2 cups of it in my dishwasher and run a super hot cycle through. The dishwasher gets sparkling clean and smells fantastic!!

I buy ground beef in bulk packages, then divide and freeze it.  I found that if you wrap the ground beef (tightly) with plastic wrap BEFORE you put it into a Ziploc bag, there will be ZERO freezer burn or ice crystals. Also, since there is just the 2 of us, I divide the burger into a wide range of sizes...some as little as 1/4 pound; I then put all of the mini-packages into one big Ziploc bag and freeze...it works great and a lot less waste.

Do you need room temperature cream cheese in a hurry?  Take an 8 ounce block out of the wrapper and microwave it, on high, for 13 seconds. Do you need room temperature butter in a hurry?  Grate the butter onto a piece of waxed paper and let it sit for a few minutes.

This little refrigerator magnet, in the shape of a Pyrex measuring cup has been on my fridge for at least 20 years and I refer to it all of the time.  I've had it so long that I can't even remember where it came from, I just know that it has been ultra handy and has answered many cooking questions for me over the years. If you ever see one, or find a similar one...grab it, you will not be sorry.

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